September 18: National Pool Closing Day
One maple leaf laying by a pool

Summer weather is still here, but in mere weeks, it’ll be time to winterize your pools! The third Saturday in September is always recognized as National Pool Closing Day and while we’re sad to say goodbye to Summer 2021, we want to give you tips for closing your pool correctly.

Tip #1. Balance the Water & Shock The Pool

A clean pool is a happy pool whether you are using it daily or closing it up for the season. By balancing the water and shocking the pool, you’re better prepared for the following pool season. This is because you won’t be fighting against yourself to have crystal clear pool water.

At Aqua Leisure Pools and Spas, we have a wide range of pool chemicals and water testing kits to ensure your pool is sparkling for the next summer.

Tip #2. Give it a Good Clean

You may be closing the pool and not too worried about the dirt and debris that falls in, but actually, closing your pool once it’s clean will really make next year’s reopening much smoother. 

You’ll want to skim, brush, and vacuum as you typically would. Then, you’ll also want to let your filter run for a few days in a row, just for good measure.

Tip #3. Reduce the Water Level

The type of winter pool cover you place on your pool will ultimately determine how much water you need to remove from it before closing. 

For mesh covers, it is recommended to reduce the water level by 12-to-18 inches. For solid covers, 3-to-6 inches is recommended.

Tip #4. Drain the Pool Equipment

Whatever equipment you utilize to keep your pool running all season also needs to be properly maintained and closed for the winter.

You should make a checklist of your pool equipment, including:

  • The filter
  • The pump
  • The heater
  • The chlorinators 

From there, be sure to drain, wash, and put away before that first NEPA snow storm!

Tip #5. Add in Winterizing Chemicals

Your pool may be clean, but there is still more to be done. You’ll want to add winterizing chemicals to your pool. This includes algaecide, pool shock, and a chlorine floater. For pools with a vinyl liner, use non-chlorine winterizing tablets to avoid damaging the liner over the winter.

Tip #6. Cover the Pool!

It may be sad to see the summer fun end, but by properly winterizing your pool, you’ll be prepared for summer 2022! 

If you have questions about winterizing your pool or need help gathering your materials, visit any of our three locations! At Aqua Leisure Pools and Spas, we look forward to making your pool experience a splash!

Posted by Aqua Leisure Pools & Spas in Pools