Tips for Opening an Above Ground Pool
above ground pool with ladder

Learn How to Balance Your Pool Water Level With Aqua Leisure

An indicator that summer is right around the corner is none other than the blazing sun. What better way to beat the summer heat than opening your above-ground pool? They’re perfect for the kids, easy to maintain, and affordable.

Some people may not like opening their pool, but with the right tools, a friend, and some effort, you can be swimming again quickly. Planning to open your pool yourself next summer? Here are a few tips and tricks that’ll help you from Aqua Leisure Pools and Spas.

7 Tips For When You’re Opening Your Above-Ground Pool

1. Remove Your Pool Cover

The first step to open your above-ground pool is to remove the winter cover. The pool cover is important to protect the pool from dirt, debris, and algae when not in use during the winter. If you have water on your cover, remove the excess water by using a pump.

On the other hand, if the water level is too low, it’ll be too hard to reach the cover. You want to add water underneath the cover so that it’ll rise. Then, remove any debris or leaves from the cover by using a broom or net. If the leaves are dry, a leaf blower will help move the process along.

After finishing, have a helper take off the pool cover and lay it on the driveway to clean and let it dry. Be sure not to let any dirt fall into the water, as it’ll create more work for you later on. As soon as it’s fully dry, fold the cover and store it away for the summer.

2. Drain the Pool Water

After months of being under a cover, your pool water is sometimes easier to replace than to clean. When draining water from the pool, make sure you pick the right pump, plan a good drainage path, and monitor the process as it happens. Once you drain the pool, you can manually clean it before replacing the pool water.

3. Re-install Pool Equipment

Re-attach the filter system hoses that connect to the above-ground pool skimmer and return(s). Then, install the return eyeball fittings, skimmer basket, thermometer, and pool ladder or step system. Then, remove all winterizing plugs from the skimmer and/or wall returns and replace any pump and filter drain plugs.

Also, return the pump basket to its proper place. Lubricate the pump lid o-ring and other sealing gaskets in valves or unions with a Teflon-based lubricant.

4. Fill Your Pool

Next, fill your above-ground pool up to the mid-skimmer level. You should use this time to look for any water leaks in the filter hoses, valves, pump, and filter equipment. Then, open the filter air bleeder and start up the filter pump, watching the pressure gauge rise. If you don’t see air bubbles in the pool, turn off the pump, make sure all valves are open, and check that all plugs are removed from the pool returns.

Another indicator to shut it down is if the filter pressure gauge spikes to 30 PSI or more. If the pump fails to start, check that the power supply is good, the GFCI outlet is not tripped, and that the pump lid is tight.

5. Clean the Pool Water

In the case that you see leftover debris and materials at the bottom of your pool, clean out the bottom with a pool vacuum. For more information on how to thoroughly clean your pool, check out this blog, where we talk about how to properly clean and maintain your pool.

6. Test, Adjust, and Balance the Pool Water Level

It’s important to test and adjust the water levels for pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid so that the water is well-balanced and safe to swim in. You can check the chemical levels by using an at-home test kit and make adjustments to the water according to the results you were given.

Once this is done, shock the pool and allow the last chemicals to filter through your pool overnight with your pump on high. You should then retest your water balance to ensure it is safe to swim in.

Enjoy Your Above-Ground Pool

After completing all these steps, you are free to swim in your squeaky-clean pool. The only thing left to do is to invite some family and friends over!

If you have more questions about how to open an above-ground pool or need help, contact Aqua Leisure today!

Posted by Aqua Leisure Pools & Spas in Pools